How do I log into the laptop I checked out from the library?


Image of Other User Login             The laptop will need to be connected to the internet.

                  - Click on the globe icon at the bottom to connect to the WIFI.

            The other user page is where you will login to the laptop. 

                  - User name: Same as LoLA username

                  - Password: Same as LoLA password  

If you are having issues logging into student email or Canvas, follow the instructions below:

-Go to LoLA

-Click Change Password button

-Follow instructions on screen.  (You will be asked for your Social Security number and your birthday)

-It will ask to verify username.  (Ensure that the system is finding the correct username)

-Once you have changed your LoLA password, log into LOLA.  Your Canvas and email passwords should be updated.


  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2022
  • Views 162
  • Answered By Library Staff

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